Evening menu


Todays soup

dkk 95 - 125

Beetroot crudité

with avocado cream, cashew and balsamic syrup

dkk 95

3 x small potpies

with grilled goat cheese and honey, salmon with smoked cream cheese and roasted mushrooms with Gruyère

dkk 125

Extra bread and butter

dkk 30

Main courses

Fish of the day

dkk 275 - 345

Steak of the day

dkk 295 – 345

Vegetarian of the day

dkk 175 - 195

Fish, steaks and vegetarian are served with today's potato or fries and seasonal vegetables

Children's menu


dkk 95

Half menus of main courses

dkk 100 - 200


Fried camembert

with jam and toasted bread

dkk 98

Gateau Marcel

with parfait

dkk 115

Creme Brulé

dkk 85

Creme Brulé and an Irish Coffee

dkk 155

Changes may occur.
For 8 guests or more: pre-orders must be received

Information - English, see beneath'

Vi skal have renoveret og ombygget vores lagerbygning, og har ekstraordinært lukket fra 22. december til ultimo marts.

Vi er topklar igen tirsdag den 1. april. Fra kl 18.00. 

Frokost starter torsdag 1. maj. Fra kl. 12.

Bookingsystemet vil være åben for reservationer.

Menuer annonceres i marts.

Forespørgsler/andet – send gerne en mail på info@mummaeroe.dk.

Vi besvarer hurtigst.

We are renovating our warehouse building and are closed from December 22nd until March 2025.

Open again April 1st from 6 pm. Lunch from May 1.

Menues will be announced in March.

The booking-system will be open for reservations.

For any inquiries/others, please send us an e-mail: info@mummaeroe.dk.

We will respond soon.