Lunch menu

From May to September.
Have a look at our evening-menu!


‘Shooting Star’

fresh fish fillet with smoked salmon, asparagus and herb-mayo

DKK 199

Moules Frites

with aioli

DKK 185

Fish fillets

with fries and sauce tartare

DKK 150

‘Smørrebrød’ – open sandwiches

Eggs and hand-peeled prawns

with cavi-art roe and hollandaise on toast

DKK 150

Chicken salad

with Danish cheese and pickled beech hats

DKK 125


with herb mayo, red onion and bacon

DKK 115


with herb mayo and red onion

DKK 95



with burrata and basil

DKK 100


Apple pie

with marzipan

DKK 95

Passion-mango mousse cake

on a crispy bisquit - vegan

DKK 125

Changes may occur.
For 8 people and more, pre-order must be received.

Information - English, see beneath'

Vi skal have renoveret og ombygget vores lagerbygning, og har ekstraordinært lukket fra 22. december til ultimo marts.

Vi er topklar igen tirsdag den 1. april. Fra kl 18.00. 

Frokost starter torsdag 1. maj. Fra kl. 12.

Bookingsystemet vil være åben for reservationer.

Menuer annonceres i marts.

Forespørgsler/andet – send gerne en mail på

Vi besvarer hurtigst.

We are renovating our warehouse building and are closed from December 22nd until March 2025.

Open again April 1st from 6 pm. Lunch from May 1.

Menues will be announced in March.

The booking-system will be open for reservations.

For any inquiries/others, please send us an e-mail:

We will respond soon.